Spiritual Guidance

If you are just beginning your healing journey, or if you are a seasoned traveller, we are all in need of assistance from time to time in releasing what no longer serves us. These services provide guidance on your journey and include Past Life Regression, Akashic Record Readings, Guided Meditation, and Chakra Balancing.

Registered Massage Therapy

A mix of Swedish massage techniques that help to decrease tension in tight muscles, alleviate stress and assist in relaxation. Services include Registered Massage Therapy, Synergy Massage, Reflexology and Reiki.

Melissa has been immersing herself in healthcare and energy medicine modalities for 16 years, starting her journey as an RMT and level 1 Reiki practitioner. Her thirst for knowledge led her to taking classes in past life energies, family dynamics, chakra and meridian balancing, energetic cord cutting and much more. From her past experiences, knowledge, and intuition she created Synergy Massage, a combination of massage therapy, aromatherapy, quantum healing, chakra balancing and guided meditation.

She has always had a passion for past life energies and has recently taken both Level 1 and 2 of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and is now offering Past Life Regression Sessions at Soul Journey Reconnection out of The Nock Academy yoga studio. Melissa has the unique ability to see what her clients are experiencing while in trance which allows her to go deeper with them in their sessions. Gently leading them on a journey of self discovery and empowerment.

Melissa works on a cellular and DNA level facilitating shifts at their core. She assists her clients in shifting old emotions, patterning, and beliefs that no longer serve, allowing them to create the space for greater potential. She believes that by creating change within ourselves we have the ability to create change within our families, communities and our world.

Melissa has been immersing herself in healthcare and energy medicine modalities for 16 years, sta... Read More

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Located at: 10 Commercial St, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 1G8, Whitchurch-Stouffville
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